Recovery Center of Hamilton County

Name of Non-Profit Organization *

Recovery Center of Hamilton County

Organization's website

Federal Tax ID Number *

31-0802647 (fiscally managed by GCBHS)

Address *

2340 Auburn Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
United States

Your Name *

Chris Pedoto

Your Title *

Program Manager

Contact email address *

Contact Phone Number

(513) 241-1411

What is the mission of your organization?

To offer an environment of learning that promotes wellnes and personal growth that is designed to empower individuals in recovery from mental illness to live more meaningful lives in the community.

Which social causes does your agency address through its programming?
(Check all that apply)

  • Arts
  • Disability Issues
  • Education
  • Health
  • Job Training / Workplace Issues
  • Men's Issues
  • Recovery, Addiction & Abuse
  • Women's Issues

Any other categories (not listed above) that your agency addresses?

Computer skills, GED and support groups around mental illness.

Most schools have between $1000 and $1500 to grant. How could your organization use a grant of this size? *

We would use a grant like this to offer new opportunites our budget can't always afford to enhance the programming we offer:

Examples might be increasing our community involvement by making art and craft items or cookies for kids in need at places like Ronald McDonald House, purchasing better exercise equipment so individuals who can't afford to workout in the community have an opportunity to improve their health or utilize the grant money to provide additional peer staffing to help support individuals in need ($1000 – $1500 would provide close to 100 additional hours for staff to be available to teach, empower or support the individuals we work with on a daily basis).

Any other comments you would like to share with the students who might be reviewing your request?

The majority of the individuals that come to the Recovery Center either struggle financially or have been disconnected with some aspect of their life (family, friends, job, school, etc.). The Recovery Center is a place where individuals can come and learn new skills, receive support or be empowered to reconnect the pieces of their life that have been disrupted by mental illness. Mental illness impacts 1 in 4 Americans.

Does your organization have volunteer opportunities available for high school students?


List possible volunteer opportunities -or- a link to where they can be found on the web.

Assisting with special events or fundraisers, guest teaching (could volunteer to teach an art , computer, GED or some other class where special skills or instruction may be needed), grant writing or office work.

Volunteer coordinator

Chris Pedoto

Volunteer coordinator's email address

Volunteer coordinator's phone number

(513) 241-1411