Payton’s Lemonade Stand, LLC

Name of Non-Profit Organization * Payton’s Lemonade Stand, LLC
Today’s Date: * Thursday, October 14, 2021
Organization’s website
EIN / 501(C)(3)Number * 86-1939617
What year did your organization receive it’s non-profit status? * 2021
Address * 7075 Vail Ct.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
United States
County * Hamilton
Your Name * Jess Obert
Your Title * Executive Director
Your email address *
Your Phone Number (513) 404-5637
Executive Director’s Name * Jess Obert
Executive Director’s email address *
What is the mission of your organization? The mission of Payton’s Lemonade Stand is to help provide care and support to children who are facing medical, personal or economic hardships. While raising funds for these children, we strive to empower kids to participate in philanthropy. We aim to teach them the value of putting forth effort through the hosting of their lemonade stands to make the lives of children going through hardships a little bit sweeter.
Which social causes (up to 3 choices) does your agency address through its programming? *
  • (3) Children
  • (8) Health
  • (11) Poverty
Any comments about your selections you would like to share with the student philanthropists? Our goals are to:
To teach children altruism and philanthropy
To sweeten the lives of children going through medical, personal and
economic hardships
To involve the community in giving back
Does your organization have volunteer opportunities available for students? * Yes, Grades 6 – 12
List possible volunteer opportunities -or- a link to where they can be found on the web.
Volunteer coordinator Jess Obert
Volunteer coordinator’s email address