Crayons to Computers

Name of Non-Profit Organization * Crayons to Computers
Today’s Date: * Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Organization’s website
EIN / 501(C)(3)Number * 311507076
What year did your organization receive it’s non-profit status? * 1997
Address * 1350 Tennessee Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
United States
County * Hamilton
Your Name * Betsy Wilson
Your Title * Director of Development
Your email address *
Your Phone Number (513) 708-8080
Executive Director’s Name * Amy Cheney
Executive Director’s email address *
What is the mission of your organization? Crayons to Computers exists to level the playing field in the classroom by ensuring that teachers can provide their students in need the tools to succeed in school.
Which social causes (up to 3 choices) does your agency address through its programming? *
  • (5) Education
Does your organization have volunteer opportunities available for students? * Yes, Grades 6 – 12
List possible volunteer opportunities -or- a link to where they can be found on the web.
Volunteer coordinator Taylor Wilson
Volunteer coordinator’s email address
Volunteer coordinator’s phone number (513) 482-3290