Abilities First

Name of Non-Profit Organization *
Abilities First Foundation, Inc
Today’s Date: * Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Organization’s website https://www.abilitiesfirst.org/
EIN / 501(C)(3)Number *
What year did your organization receive it’s non-profit status? *
Address *

4710 Timber Trail Drive
Middletown, OH 45044
United States
County *
Your Name * Rachel Sheets
Your Title *
Director of Development and Communication
Your email address * rachel.sheets@abilitiesfirst.org
Your Phone Number (513) 423-9496
Executive Director’s Name *
David Hood
Executive Director’s email address * david.hood@abilitiesfirst.org
What is the mission of your organization?

Mission Statement: Abilities First empowers individuals and families living with differing abilities to discover and to fulfill their unique potential within their communities.

Vision: Children and adults of all abilities living their best possible lives.

Which social causes (up to 3 choices) does your agency address through its programming? *
  • (3) Children
  • (5) Education
  • (8) Health
Any comments about your selections you would like to share with the student philanthropists?
We are a family- focused agency even though our programs are specifically for children through youth and young adults. One of our selections is “health” which is not an exact fit but the nearest option. We have Early Childhood Education, and childcare from 6 weeks to 10 years, Special Education for children with Autism from preschool through 2nd grade and Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Language Pathology programs for children from birth through young adults with developmental delays and disabilities (this is the health” piece.) Our programs are interconnected with our childcare being inclusive of children developing typically and those with delays or “disabilities” and our Support Liaison works within all the programs to provide social services, support, education and advocacy for the children and families. We help families in poverty and caregivers and children/ youth/ young adults develop life skills also.
Does your organization have volunteer opportunities available for students? *
Yes, Grades 9 – 12
List possible volunteer opportunities -or- a link to where they can be found on the web.
Working with teachers and therapists with the children helping them with their programming, developing skills and providing interactions with peers and opportunities to develop social relationships with young people (not just families and therapists., teachers etc.)
Volunteer coordinator Rachel Sheets
Volunteer coordinator’s email address rachel.sheets@abilitiesfirst.org
Volunteer coordinator’s phone number 513-423-9496 ext. 119