Helping Hands of Dayton

Name of Non-Profit Organization *
Helping Hands of Dayton
Today’s Date: * Friday, October 11, 2024
Organization’s website
EIN / 501(C)(3)Number *
What year did your organization receive it’s non-profit status? *
Address *

7209 Green Ash Court
Centerville, OH 45459
United States
County *
Point of Contact for Magnified Giving Youth * Leslie Cayot
Point of Contact’s Title *
President, Helping Hands of Dayton
Point of Contact’s Email Address * ldcayot@gmail.xom
Point of Contact’s Phone Number (937) 750-1644
Executive Director’s Name *
Stephanie Ferra – Vice President
What is the mission of your organization?
Helping Hands of Dayton was established with the goal of annually supporting at least 1,400 Pediatric and Neonatal ICU families in the Miami Valley. Helping Hands provides these families with a Care Kit of personal care items to help them through the first 12 hours of an overnight hospital stay. The Care Kit, consisting of toiletry essentials, a hospital gift card, and a handmade get well card, is distributed to any family who has a child admitted to an intensive care unit at a local Miami Valley hospital.
Which social causes (up to 3 choices) does your agency address through its programming? *
  • (3) Children
  • (8) Health
Any comments about your selections you would like to share with the student philanthropists?
We look forward to hearing from you!
Does your organization have volunteer opportunities available for students? *
Yes, Grades 9 – 12
List possible volunteer opportunities -or- a link to where they can be found on the web.
Volunteer coordinator Denise Detmer
Volunteer coordinator’s email address
Volunteer coordinator’s phone number (937) 554-1658
Student Connection Preference (click all that apply): *
  • Call Us at the Point of Contact Phone Number
  • Email Us at the Point of Contact Phone Number
  • Volunteer
  • Virtual Calls